The mass outflow rate minus the mass inflow rate is equal to the time rate of change of mass storage in the parallelepiped . 质量的流出率减去质量的流入率等于贮存在这个平行六面体中的质量的时间变化率。
The damping force of radiation is a jumpulse of the time rate of change of force 摘要“辐射阻尼力”是一种力变率的猝量。
The electromagnetic mass is another effect of the time rate of change of radiant reacting force 电磁质量是辐射反作用力变率的另一作用效果。
The material origin of the time rate of change of radiant reacting force is the radiation field 辐射反作用力变率的物质来源是带电粒子的辐射场。